28th Annual Peaks & Pieces Quilt Show
The Peaks & Pieces Annual Quilt Show is back!
11575 West Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike
Montvale, VA 24122
United States
United States
The Peaks & Pieces Annual Quilt Show is back!
Books 4 Fun is our pre-school story time for children ages 3 to 6. Join us for stories, songs, crafts, and activities geared towards engaging and entertaining your child.
Our theme for this session is Color Our World!
Books 4 Fun is our pre-school story time for children ages 3 to 6. Join us for stories, songs, crafts, and activities geared to engage and entertain your child.
Our theme for this session is Color Our World!
Books 4 Fun is our pre-school story time for children ages 3 to 6. Join us for stories, songs, crafts, and activities geared to engage and entertain your child.
Our theme for this session is Color Our World!
Join us at the Big Island Library to read the book of the month and share insights and stories. The book club is held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month.
Join us every Tuesday at 2:00 PM (except holidays), bring your projects, and knit or crochet with us!
New members are always welcome, and no experience is necessary. Come learn with us!