Forest Community Room

Maximum Capacity


Library Branch

Forest Library

Forest Community Room is a large meeting room. It includes a kitchen area. Restrooms are accessible across the lobby of the library. 


The Forest Community Room includes a ceiling mounted projector and screen; request the projector remote when making your room reservation if you would like to use the projector during your meeting. There is also a large television in the room that can be used; request the TV remote when making your reservation.


There are 8 foot tables and stacking chairs available in a room adjacent to the meeting room. The library does not provide room set-up, so allow time to set up tables and chairs before the meeting and to return them to storage at the conclusion.

On narrow displays, the weekly room calendar is wider than the screen. You can side-scroll within this table to view room availability for the whole week.

Sun - 1/5

Mon - 1/6

Tue - 1/7

Wed - 1/8

Thu - 1/9

Fri - 1/10

Sat - 1/11